It was a good month for reading.
For a book from or about Asia, I happened to pick up from the library "The Accusation", a collection of seven stories by an anonymous author which was smuggled out of North Korea several years ago. It read as a companion piece to "1984" with the disconcerting distinction of being based squarely in reality. While the plots of the stories themselves were fictional, the settings were not.
Lois Lowry's "The Giver" provided a similarly dystopian setting, and checked off the box of "children's book you missed the first time around". Miles read it for school about three years ago, and although I try to keep up with what he's doing in class, for some reason I didn't read this in parallel with his work at the time. At just over 120 pages I sailed through it, loving every disturbing moment, wishing it had been around when I was in high school.